Happy about the fan meeting and date with Joon Soo (Junsu), Yeon-jae told Eun-seok that she would buy him dinner. However, she didn't call and he checked to see if his phone was maybe broken. Sitting and daydreaming was an everyday thing and his nurse started looking at him weird.
Then Yeon-jae called and they promised to meet at his house. While waiting for her, he concerned about what he would say to her alone. He practiced saying, "Come in...come in? Are you alright?" and more over and over again but ended up saying, "Come alright".
While Yeon-jae looked at him as she didn't understand what he had said, her dog Malbok walked into the house. She then explained to him her dog's situation and asked him if he would take care of it for a few days. He agreed without hesitation.
Later the two promised to have dinner at home and Eun-seok started cooking. Yeon-jae looked around the house while waiting and discovered the book "Red Headed Anne" she lent to him a while ago.

She was amazed and said, "You have this until now. I was quite premature now that I think about it. How did I read this book when I was 9 years old". She repeated a line she remembered. "The world doesn't go the way you plan it. It's great that it doesn't. There might be something great that happen to you that you didn't think of".
The two had dinner together. Yeon-jae then told Eun-seok about her trip to Okinawa. She said, "I met an old man and danced the Tango. I was warm and comfortable. Do you want to learn Tango if you have time? It just so happens that we have a male position available".
However, Eun-seok replied strictly, "I'm not interested". Yeon-jae thought about Kang Ji-wook (Lee Dong-wook) as she said, "I really can't dance either". Eun-seok then became the gentleman who saw her off. He then came into the house and sneezed while stroking her dog. He was allergic to dog fur. Bad tempered and cold Eun-seok was slowly changing because of her.
However, Yoon-jae had Ji-wook in mind and he also let out his feelings. Their romance is just about to start.
Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( English Korean )
Credit to hancinema.net
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